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Spanish Language Exercises
Ejercicios - Exercise Index
Academic subjects
Adjectives with 'ser'
Adjectives with 'estar'
Adjectives - possessives
Class - 'En la clase' 1
Class - 'En la clase' 2
Class - 'En la clase' 3
Clothing - 'La ropa'
Colours - 'Los colores'
Commands - 'nosotros'
Commands - 'tú' 1
Commands - 'tú' 2
Commands - 'Ud.' y 'Uds.' 1
Commands - 'Ud.' y 'Uds.' 2
Comparisons - equal
Comparisons - equal / unequal
Comparisons - unequal
Countries - 'Los países'
Date - 'La fecha'
Direct object 1
Direct object 2
Double object pronouns
Family - 'La familia'
Food (drinks) - 'Las bebidas'
Food (fruits and desserts)
Food (grains)
Food (meat and seafood)
Food (vegetables)
Furniture and accessories
Future - 'El futuro'
Future perfect
Greetings - 'Los saludos'
Greetings and farewells
Health - 'La salud'
Household (chores)
Household (kitchen)
Imperfect ind. 1
Imperfect ind. 2
Imperf. ind. (reflexive)
Indirect object 1
Indirect object 2
Indirect object 3 - 'gustar'
Indirect object 4
'Ir' + 'a' - "Esta noche..."
'Ir' + 'a' - "Mañana..."
Kitchen - 'La cocina'
Negative words
Parts of the body 1
Parts of the body 2
Pastimes - 'Los pasatiempos'
Personal care
Pluperfect indicative
'Por' and 'para'
Present ind. - 'ar' verbs 1
Present ind. - 'ar' verbs 2
Present ind. - 'er', 'ir' verbs
Present ind. - irreg. 'yo' forms
Pres. ind. - Stem changes 1
Pres. ind. - Stem changes 2
Present perfect indicative 1
Present perfect indicative 2
Present perfect indicative 3
Present perfect subjunctive
Present progressive
Pres. subjunctive (volition) 1
Pres. subjunctive (volition) 2
Pres. subjunctive (volition) 3
Pres. subjunctive (emotion)
Pres. subjunctive (doubt...)
Pres. subjunctive (impersonal)
Pres. subjunctive (adjective)
Pres. subjunctive (adverb)
Preterit (regular) 1
Preterit (regular) 2
Preterit (irregular) 1
Preterit (irregular) 2
Preterit (reflexive)
Preterit (stem-changing)
Pret. - 'Ayer por la mañana...'
Preterit - 'Anoche...'
Preterit - 'Un viaje'
Preterit and imperfect 1
Preterit and imperfect 2
Professions and occupations
Reflexive verbs 1 (pres. ind.)
Refl. verbs 2 (prog. / 'ir' + 'a')
Refl. verbs 3 (reciprocal)
Refl. verbs 4 (preterit)
Refl. verbs 5 (imperfect)
'Saber' and 'conocer'
'Se' (impersonal / passive)
Seasons of the year
'Ser' and 'estar'
Sports - 'Los deportes'
Stores - 'Las tiendas'
Student life
'Tener que'
Weather - 'el tiempo'